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Steel Barrier U Bases

Replace the base, not the barrier


The U Base, is a more recent design similar to the traditional bridge base. The U base provides excellent four-point stability. 

U bases are about 22 inches in width on the male end; 17 inches on the female end. 

The U base also offers the added benefit of rubber stoppers, which reduce sliding and result in damage-free indoor use.

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Get U Bases for 50% off during the Month of March!

Normally $26.00, U Bases are only $12.50!
*While supplies last

With U Bases you can:

Use your Blockader Heavy-Duty Steel Barriers indoor

  • Rubber stoppers protect your floor and reduce sliding on smooth surfaces

Increase security

  • Provides excellent stability
  • Ability to form right angles to secure corners

Maintain superior quality

  • True hot-dip galvanized protection, just like your Heavy-Duty Blockader barriers
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U Bases Opt
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